Thursday 15 October 2015

My first post

So I've spent almost 2 months in Belgium now and its been pretty great. There's been so much i don't know where to start. Being in a different country is really different. I've learned Belgium is split into three parts, there's the French speakers, the Dutch speakers, and the German speakers. The German part is so small its mostly included in the French part. They eat more bread and fries here than i ever imagined. The food is amazing, i don't know what ill do when i get home. They have more cheese options than I ever knew existed. My class in school is nice and they accepted me in instantly. I go to school in the city of Liege, which is a 25 minute train ride from my house in Glons. Liege is so has a huge shopping area and you can find anything (except peanut butter). So far I've been to Brussels and Maastricht which is in the Netherlands. I love that they have the tax already applied, its so convenient. It's interesting describing distance to Belgians because they see an our as a long time to travel. When you tell them you're from New York they assume you're talking about the city, when i tell them i live 3 hours from New York city they get really confused because that's how long it takes to travel the country for them. I had to show the kids in my class a scaled picture of Belgium and New York. I found it interesting that thy don't have a lot of suburban space. There are lots of apartments in the city and the surrounding towns are very rural. Most of the two way streets look like they should be one way streets. The city of Liege is mostly made up of one way streets which would never fit an American car. There are so many other exchange students, around 100 in the French part of the district. I have one other in my club named Jazmin, she's from Paraguay, we get along very well. I've really enjoyed my time here it's been a blast.

my class

two of my Belgian friends

part of Liege